Monday, April 12, 2010

The Source of So Much Gossip

My obsession. I can't get enough. The band Gossip is fun, fresh, and flirty!
Beth Ditto, is the lead singer. It's safe to say she's off-her-rocker.
She's super large-and-in-charge and without eyebrows.
Her music rocks my face completely off!
She has a crazy set of pipes, that woman.
If you haven't listened to Gossip, get all up in that business.
They've got such a unique vibe with a sick beat. It makes my brain dance.
The best songs are Heavey Cross, Love Long Distance, and Four Letter Word.
Their music is my essential, gym companion.
There is some serious Hand Gems going on here.



  1. I wish I could rollerskate, walk/run backwards, or walk on a balance beam. My motor skills are at about a 3rd grade level.

    The Gossip: Musical Gold!

  2. Can I just listen the things you have gotten me obsessed with?

    Instyle, Gossip Girl, Lee Pace,etc. etc. I made Emily listen to Heavy Cross like ten times while we were driving to Rexburg. Love it!

  3. And then I proceeded to buy my own copy because I couldn't wait a month to listen to it again.

    I've been secretly reading your blog. And openly loving it. Melissa and I have been laughing at "this man needs Jesus" for days.
