Saturday, April 24, 2010


After a brilliant first week of school, it was time to let loose and hang with the ladies. The roomers and I felt a deep hankering for some Thai food. I'm fairly certain the only Thai restaurant in Rexburg, uses stray cats for their dishes (Mmm... mystery meat) so, it was off to Idaho Falls. Joy! I don't know about the rest of the women, but I was pretty hesitant about trying something new, without recommendation or prior experience. But, I asked myself, "What's the worst that can happen... Diarrhea?" Well, bad example, diarrhea's a deal-breaker, but we went regardless.

The place: Thai House. The setting: Super jankedy with multiple shades of Avocado. And, the first impression: Oh no! Our waitress was, well, I'll say a 'character'. When we asked her if the Massaman was a Red Curry, she said, "Umm... it looks brown to me." I was more or less horrified, and totally sketched out.
Our waitress also brought our food out one-by-one. That took twenty minutes. My home girl Shanae, hated her Pad Thai and said, "Ugh, it tastes like PetCo." Eva said, "Mmm... mine smells like PetCo! Delicious." Elizabeth farted loudly in the restaurant. I laughed hysterically and couldn't stop. Darling Elizabeth said, "That wasn't supposed to make noise."

After dinner it was off to see Disney's Oceans. Loved it. I'm terrified of the Ocean so I thought I'd be a little overwhelmed, but it was really quite beautiful. I thought everyone would enjoy themselves, but I don't think anyone did. This was made blatantly obvious, when I was the only one awake during the movie. I'm still satisfied I experienced it. So, in closing the Thai food was mediocre at best. The movie was magical. And my bowels are nice and tight. Any evening ending without diarrhea is a successful evening to me.

1 comment:

  1. Give me that juice baby! I just want some more. The taste of PetCo don't bother me none.
