Friday, April 23, 2010

Gamble Everything

In my advertising class, I went on the ride of my life through the history of Advertising. Sweet mercy! I can't believe it took me so long to land here, but I'm thrilled I did. Advertising is an epic machine.

In class we were shown hundreds of ads, commercials, and campaigns. I watched a commercial that I've heard about, but never seen. It originally aired during the Super Bowl and revolutionized the advertising world forever. This important piece of history almost didn't air. It was just too controversial, bizarre, and different. Once the commercial aired, a Super Bowl announcer even said, "What was that?" That's the risk one runs in advertising, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. In this case it paid-off in dividends.

Can anyone guess what it is?
...It's not the Budweiser frogs...
I'll post the commercial in a few days, if no one guesses it.

In the meam time,
here's my favorite advertisement of all-time! Just take a look...
It has nothing to do with anything. I'll buy fifty. I guess it works.


  1. hmmm...the dancing baby?

    ps can you just continue to write everday...your words fill me with joy. i miss you.
