Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Different Bottle

What do all coming-of-age, teen angst movies have in common? The monumental moment of playing a game of Spin the Bottle. Boo! I'm all sorts of confused about this game.

I have been to my fair share of parties and I must confess, I've never participated in a single game of spin the bottle, nor have I ever heard it mentioned or suggested. The only point of this post is to discover if individuals in their teen years actually played this game. I'm highly curious and quite taken with the idea. Confide in me, my few readers. I'm interested to know if this game is actually played.


  1. Welllllll.... i am ashamed to say yes i have played my share of spin the bottle, but no it wasn't in high school.... i was for sure 21... what can i say i'm a douche and apparently so are my friends.?

  2. Yes... been played----but no huge make out sessions. Mostly just quick kisses by all who were playing and yes, it was super lame! Be glad you've never played it!

  3. If such a game exists, I have not played it. Then again I wasn't exactly 'cool' in high school...
