Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blue Collar WoMan

I have a job. Great, right? No.
This job is working for RTD's treasury department.
Work begins at 6am. Jank.
I sit in a broken swivel chair.
I have to wear a hospital-gown-blue jumpsuit.
It's flattering.
It hugs me in all the right places.
It's comfortable.
And it makes me look smaller than I am.
If you've ever seen Pee Wee's Big Adventure,
I look exactly like Francis Buxton.
Uncanny, really.
This job lasts only a week and a half more.
I'm awaiting its conclusion with great excitement.
I've never been so motivated to receive a college education.
I'll try to get a snapshot of myself stretching in my jumpsuit.


  1. You make me so proud! Truly, impressive.

  2. You're so the funniest girl EVER!!! Love you.

  3. The jumpsuit is probably as good as the onesie PJ's...I can picture it now :)
